Monday 5 March 2012

Tutorial 1

Tutorial One:  Information Technology and Ethical Issues

Tutorial one is going to be focusing on the ethical issues around Information Technology.
Information technology (IT) refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies, as said from
Information Communications Technology (ICT) refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication technologies. This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums also mentioned by

What this means to me is that information technology and communication technology allow people around the world who have access to IT to send, receive, store and share a variety of information from photos to videos and is also a way of communication. Communication involves sending and receiving emails, Skype (video chat) and social networking sites for example blogs. 

How is this form of technology prevalent in our society? How common place has it became?
In today’s society IT surrounds us everywhere! It is very uncommon to come across an individual who does not have own any IT equipment on them. we see that it is becoming so evolved and a part of our lives. As mentioned above IT includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums.
Internet is used a lot more in comparison to going to the library and researching books. The internet provides a faster “right now” search program.
Wireless networks can be commonly found in most social areas from schools, businesses and restaurants.Cell phones is seen as a must have and is normal to have a cell phone. Today we see children as young as eight years old that can work and use a cell phone.

What It devices or systems do I feel comfortable and competent using?
I feel very confident using IT, the main purposes of which I use it for is for communicating with friends and family around the world as it is important for me to keep in contact with them. Emailing for receiving and sending messages in relation to school and keeping in contact with friends. When using a cell phone I feel very comfortable when using this as I use it for a variety of reasons which include; messaging individuals, alarm clock and phone calls. Laptops when using it for completing assignments, communicating through Skype. 

  • How have you seen IT being used in Occupational Therapy practice?
Have I seen Occupational Therapist Yes I have. In my last placement Occupational therapist used IT equipment to communicate with an individual who had difficulty talking. This allowed him to communicate with his teachers and class mates and could definitely see that it was a good communication tool.
  • What issues exist around OTs adoption of IT systems and tools?
Because IT systems and tools are always being developed and evolving today this means that Occupational Therapist will have to keep up with cycle of IT so that they are up to date and a not behind a generation.
  • What are some of the ways you can envisage IT use becoming a potential tool of practice.
Because the world is becoming very technological nowadays everything is turning to computers. Intervention for clients will too change for example the use of a gaming system (xbox) which gets the client actively participating in physical activities within the walls of the client’s home.
  • Understanding the use of IT will help us in our practice and daily lives if our goal is to enable occupation.
If OT's begin to heavily rely on IT the result of this can be that instead of the client interacting with another ‘human being’ (loss of human interaction) they will be soon communicating with technology being the computer.

What ethical implications arise from the capturing,  sharing and transferring of information via IT devices

When capturing, sharing and transferring information through IT devices ethical implications should be put in place. We see today that when putting information on the internet and there is no secure network protecting the information being uploaded this can therefore be accessed and privacy will be breached as this makes it accessible for public use.

References: (2012). Information and communication definition. Retrieved from (2012). IT. Retrieved from

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